ground floor, Dr. Gumaste's orthopaedics and eye care centre Belamkar complex, Club Rd, Hubli, Karnataka 580029
Mon-Sat 11am - 06pm, Sun Closed
+91 6361458656 ( Dr Gumaste )

About Us

Dr. Abhishek Gumaste

Orthopedic Doctor in Hubli, Consultant Orthopedic and Arthroscopic Surgeon in Hubli

+91 6361458656


"Dr Abhishek Gumaste is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon with 10 years of experience in treating various bone and joint problems Having been trained at Ganga Hospital , Coimbatore, a world renowned orthopaedic hospital, he has won numerous awards in the academic circles. His speciality includes knee and hip replacement surgeries. He has undergone speciality training in Arthroscopy and sports Injuries. As such, he regularly deals with various kinds of knee, shoulder and ankle problems, like ACL tears, Meniscal problems, frozen shoulder, shoulder dislocations, rotator cuff tears and other injuries apart from routine orthopaedic problems like fractures and joint aches Having worked in institutes of eminence like Ganga hospital..."

Dr. Lakshmi B R Gumaste

Ophthalmologist, Oculoplasty Surgeon, Eye Aesthetics Specialist & Ocular Oncology, Cataract Surgery

+91 6361458656


"Dr. Lakshmi B R Gumaste Consultant Ophthalmologist and oculoplasty surgeon in Hubli A speciality Centre for Oculoplasty, eye aesthetics and ocular oncology"

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